Let me say it now. I think I hit puberty at about the time Robotech was first aired on Malaysian TV, which contributed a great deal to my falling unequivocally in LURVE with Zor Prime.
Which is probably why I am so excited about even a hint of a rumour about a live-action Robotech movie. The sheer genius of a man to combine THREE completely separate Japanese anime series into one seamless whole is just ... just... genius. Words fail me.
Having said that though, along with the feelings of geeky excitement and nostalgia, there is also a twinge of apprehension. On the one hand, there was Lord Of the Rings. Masterfully executed by a true fan. On the other, Transformers. A good movie, but you just knew he wasn't a fan.
And then I read that it's being produced by (and possibly stars) Tobey MacGuire. And my heart sinks.
Well, to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe TM is a Robotech geek. He certainly looks like some kind of a geek.
Watch this space.
Well, not literally, but watch this space anyway.
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