My boyfriend is smart.
I mean, really smart.
I knew that before, but I didn't know how much. And he's articulate. Really articulate.
But here's the thing.
I've always wanted someone who's articulate and smart, but not necessarily more articulate and smarter. And my ego is taking a beating.
Ok, I have to admit it. I have a mild superiority complex when it comes to intelligence and communication skills. I suppose I sort of know, deep down, that in this world there are people who are infinitely smarter and definitely better talkers - it's just that I'd never met any of them.
And then comes Mr. Brilliantly Arrogant. And of course, like anyone who feels herself threatened, I hiss and scratch and claw my way up his self-confidence, trying to tear it down. The Brits call it Tall Poppy Syndrome.
Gosh, I'm such a bitch.
I'm currently on an indulgent, self-loathing spree, so please forgive me if I sound ridiculously emo. No worries, it'll all end soon, and I'll be my smug, superior self in no time.