Am having a sudden attack of blogging recently. Not that the quality of my entries have been getting any better, quite the opposite really, but at least I'm doing more than one entry in a year. Readers, rejoice.
Had a lovely lunch date with a couple of clients (and if you are reading this, Y, yes, I mean YOU) and she badgered me for my blog URL. I immediately went into a spasm of uncertainty and embarrassment. Simply because, until now, I haven't really realised how *public* all my writings have been. Sure, it's been out there on the web for a couple of years now, but honestly, who on earth would ever stumble upon this little blade of grass in an entire savannah full of blogs/vlogs/porn websites and other web acreage?
And so I find myself trawling through my posts (all 20 of them) since Nov 2004, making sure that there's nothing too indecent/inflammatory/insulting in here. Am quite safe so far. I think.
But here's the point I'm trying to make. From November 2004 to March 2007, there were things in my life that were turned over, twisted, broken down, built up and wrung out and almost nothing got blogged. When the very reason I started this blog was as a sort of diary (aaarggg) of personal expression. So my resolution (starting today. Or this week. Or v soon, really) is to faithfully document all upheavals and miracles, agitations and annoyances, loves and losses and lamentations in this psychotic roller-coaster called My Life.
Gentle readers, you have been warned.