I also feel like an extra in that 1990 Kevin Bacon movie!
But seriously.
About 15 minutes ago, I was happily ensconced in my cubicle in the corner of Menara Axis when my chair started to sway back and forth. I immediately assumed it was due to some sort of heavy vehicle passing by below (which, in hindsight, is kinda silly as I am about 9 stories above the ground) but when it went on longer than normal, my medulla oblongata (or whichever bit of neural ganglia it is that controls my fight/flight responses) went "Hello. EARTHQUAKE!". And received no response from the rest of my body. As usual. I swear, if I were an impala in the wilds of the Serengeti, I'd be eaten before my first birthday.
Looking across my cubicle I met the fascinated and slightly surprised gaze of my colleague, and then some excited yelling went on.
"Did you feel that?"
"Yes! Did you feel that?"
and so on and so forth.
And now, we've decided to evacuate the building. Not because it's unsafe or that we're in fear for our lives, but because we wanna go home early and need no other excuse.
Peace, all.