This is gonna be the very last word on this. I promise.
The weekend was marvelous. We canoodled and cuddled the days away. Sort of. He said something unbearably sweet also - once, when arguing (as usual) about some inane thing or other, I suddenly blurted out, "I wasn't born your girlfriend, you know!"
To which he paused, and answered in the most matter-of-fact way, "Of course you were." And therein is the key.
I am so caught up with the whys and the wherefores and the is-this-gonna-work-40-years-from-now that I don't acknowledge the fact that for some strange, indefinable reason, my soul thinks that This Guy Is It. And this guy thinks so too. It's truly bizarre.
But I have learned to live with it and go with the flow (I hope). Accept this decision, and for God's sake TRUST someone, once in a while. Trust that the BF knows his own heart and mind and that my own heart and mind know what they're doing.
So let's see what happens.
'Nuff said.